Our Affiliates
Virtual Lending Source & VLS Direct
VLS is an automotive finance company, specializing in subprime auto loans generated through automobile dealers, nationwide. VLS enjoys a strategic alliance with Credit Link to combine lead generation, loan approval and funding in an automated process for dealer convenience and maximum profitability.
VLS is always on the cutting edge, using the latest technology to combine lead generation, credit reporting, credit analysis, electronic application submission, and funding, all from a centralized service center, accessed on the World Wide Web.
Our technology allows the data to be generated, filtered, and processed to identify qualified customers, pair them with the appropriate vehicle, and obtain instant loan approvals, all through web-based technology. VLS products and services are available to independent and franchised automobile dealers in 46 states.

Through innovative technology and direct relationships with all three major credit bureaus, we are able to access the freshest data and process it through 47 filters to narrow your demographic criteria down to the smallest detail.
Using, our mail-tracking technology, we track the delivery of your mail, the responses to your campaign, and your sales people so you can squeeze out every sale possible. In other words, we get your mail into the right hands with the highest response rates and closing ratios in the business!
About VLS | About VLS Direct